Sunday, July 21, 2024

Week Ending 7/19/24: Biden dropped out today(7/21)

 /ES has fell under its 10 sma.
Has formed vM to 5452.5
Longer term vW to 6045 is still triggered.

/RTY continued its rally hitting several vW's, but gave back alot of the gains Thurs and Fri.

Bonds still basically sideways with patterns in both directions.

Gold rallied early in the week making new highs but ended up giving it back.

Oil fell under its ma's, however they are quite consolidated.
vM to 66.33 has been triggered.

The Dollar is testing its 10 ma.
If can get above it vW's higher will be triggered.

XLF made new ath's.
vW's 45.57 and 53.94 are triggered.

Bitcoin has continued its bounce and is above all ma's.
vW's to 72,750 - 78,654 are triggered.

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