Sunday, July 21, 2024

Week Eding 7/12/24: The Russell was up over 6% while the Mag 7 was under pressure.

 /ES hit longer term vW 5656 and shorter term vW 5700.5 and so far reversed.
Has formed short term vW to 5780.5 and vM to 5633.25

/RTY rallied over 6% while the Mag 7 were under pressure.
Has nulled short term vM's lower and triggered vW's 2202.2 to 2363.7

Bonds still trading sideways with patterns both ways.

Gold rallied again this week with positive macd and just under all time highs.

The Dollar fell heavily this week and under all ma's

XLF made new ath's but hasn't closed above yet.
vW to 45.44 is triggered.

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